Meth or methamphetamine is a psychostimulant and sympathomimetic substance. In layman's terms, it's a drug that gets a person high, specifically causing euphoria and excitement, and is thus prone to abuse and addiction.
Unlike marijuana, cocaine and heroine, meth - also called 'crank,' 'ice,' 'snappy,' 'crystal,' 'tina,' 'glass' and 'P' in the United States; 'shabu' in the Philippines; 'tik' in South Africa; 'yaa baa' in Thailand - is a purely synthetic stimulant. So how bad is this synthetic drug?
'(Meth) is the most malignant, addictive drug known to mankind,' says Dr. Michael Abrams of Broadlawn Medical Center (Des Moines, Iowa), where more patients were admitted during the past year for abuse of methamphetamine than for alcoholism. 'The body has enzymes that break down cocaine,' he said, 'but not with methamphetamine.'
Meth is derived from amphetamine, which was first synthesized in 1887 in Germany. It was, for a long time, 'a drug in search of a disease,' until it found its use as treatment for depression and nasal congestion in the late 1920s.
Then in 1919, meth was synthesized in Japan, taking the form a crystalline powder soluble in water. Today, it is produced legally and sold under the trade name Desoxyn in the US.
Amphetamines were used in World War II to keep soldiers fired up and ready, but they were most widely used during the Vietnam War by US soldiers, exceeding the amphetamine consumption by the rest of the world during WWII. Intravenous methamphetamine abuse reached epidemic proportions in Japan immediately after the war, when supplies intended for military use became available to the public.
In the 1950s in the US, college students, truck drivers, and athletes were using legally manufactured tablets of both dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine) and methamphetamine (Methedrine), which became readily available even for non-medical use. This opened the floodgates to abuse that even the 1970 Controlled Substances Act wasn't enough to reverse the trend.
Meth is a tricky life-wrecker in that it hides its disastrous long-term effects with its short-term effects that can be used by an individual to his advantage, like increased attention, decreased fatigue, increased activity, decreased appetite, euphoria and rush, increased respiration and hyperthermia. Of course, drug dealers won't tell crank heads that meth could, in the long run, cause addiction psychosis, paranoia, hallucinations, mood disturbances, repetitive motor activity, and stroke.
Meth addicts are categorized as (1) those who use the drug for medicinal purposes and eventually become hooked, (2) those who use the drug to get that 'rush' euphoric feeling, and (3) babies who are born to a parent with meth addiction. Babies born to meth-addicted parent or parents usually suffer from low birth rate, tremors, attention deficit disorder and other birth defects.
Recovery from meth addiction is possible, but the withdrawal period is intense and there are possibilities for relapse. Worse, meth addiction not only causes dysfunctions in a user's everyday life but also affects the addict's family and loved ones who bear the brunt of this substance-induced social illness.
You may be into it or not, but everybody has to know what makes crystal meth addictive. To find out more about it, you can check this site:
meth addiction.
If you are positive that you have the symptoms for meth addiction, you may as well check the medical information and treatment on this site:
meth addiction treatment
Labels: addicted to Meth, crystal meth, Crystal Meth Addiction, CrystalClear, Meth, meth addiction treatment, Meth addictions, meth detox
Hi, I have a sister, her daughter , and one of her sons, and my brother , who are all addicted to meth. My 19yr old neice is about to have her third child, which will undoubtedly be taken from her immeidiatly, as she overdosed , shooting up, during her first six weeks of pregnancy.
Tonight my 48 yr old brother is lying in a hospital bed fighting for his life, he has staph infection from 'picking' and double pneumonia, and fell and broke his hip several days ago but would not go to the hospital because he was tweaking. Now he is inchoherant, delirious, has a blueish tint to his face and hands, blood clots in his lungs, and when he looks at you the pain you see is unbearable. It is not from the physical aspect, he has no life in his eyes and hasn't for a while now.
My sister is almost as bad as him, and would not report his condition until he was found with a puddle of blood on his chest that he coughed up. The devastation of meth is profound. I smoked it when it first 'came out', but never saw the appeal of staying awake day after day doing essentially nothing important. I did not like what I saw around me when I stopped, and made sure no meth came into my home again, and I am fighting to help what is left of our family, and to keep the other young ones in the family away from meth.
I have successfully intervened with another neice and continue to educate her as often as I can, I am sure this experience with her uncle will add to her knowledge of why NOT to do meth. Peace , not Meth
Labels: crystal meth, CrystalClear, CrystalClear™, Meth, Meth users, methamphetamine
How Do I Know When My Teen is Addicted to Or Using Meth?
Chy King
Meth is easily one of the most dangerous drugs that our teens are getting addicted to, and the scary part is that many parents are clueless until it is to late. The early symptoms of meth addiction can be a bit hard to recognize in teens as it will sometimes mirror normal teen behaviors.
In a world of drug abuse and addiction, knowing the warning signs that your teen may be addicted to or using meth may mean the difference between life and death. Parents simply must inform themselves, regardless of how well adjusted and well behaved their kids may be. Even the honor roll student is not immune to the persuasive powers of this powerful drug called meth.
Early Symptoms of Meth Usage or Addiction
The early symptoms or signs of meth usage and addiction are the signs that can be tricky. Teens are by nature moody, and can be angry little buggers. That said, it is important to not simply dismiss these actions as typical teen behavior. While they may be completely benign, they may also be a signal that something is wrong. Here are a number of early warning signs of possible meth addiction or usage:
Sleep disruption - Teens are likely to stay up late and sleep in during the day on weekends, but if you notice a change in the baseline behavior you should look into it. When a teen is on meth, they are likely to stay up for days on end, and then go through periods of sleeping continuously as well.
Nervousness - Another key sign of a problem with meth is when your teen is constantly fidgeting. "Ants in the pants" is a good way to describe this behavior and your teen may nervously pick at their skin as well.
Drastic Weight Loss - When your teen begins to lose weight at a rapid rate, you should definitely check it out. Meth will cause your teen to lose interest in food, and eventually begin to lose weight.
Panting - While this is not generally obvious, it is to a Parent. If your child is breathing heavier than usual, then your instincts should flare up. Meth speeds up the heart rate, and panting can result.
Needle marks or Tracks - If they are injecting meth, they will usually leave marks behind. Teens will often attempt to shoot up in areas that are easy to cover so be alert. Other signs that they may be using is burns on the lips, nosebleeds, and burns on the hands.
Lying or Out of Place Aggression - If your teen begins lying about everything, especially where he has been and what he was doing, then you should be asking some tough questions. This can extend to many areas of his life. Also, meth can make your teen extremely aggressive and angry. Pay attention if they show signs of this that are out of character.
Avoidance of Family - Meth addicts usually will avoid contact with loved ones due to the secrecy of the addiction, and the cover up of symptoms or tracks. The emotional toll this takes on the teen meth addict is devastating.
Finding paraphernalia - If you are finding pipes, or other unexplained drug paraphernalia, there is a good chance that your teen is using. Do not accept the "I only did it once" excuse.
Teens who are addicted to meth are very sneaky and capable liars. They know how to get around you as the drive for the drug far exceeds their concerns about right and wrong. Once addicted, the teen meth user will steal, lie, and do anything to procure the meth. It is vital that you recognize the signs early, before your teen is severely addicted. Once they are addicted, the road to recovery is not guaranteed. Meth is very powerful, and you must be proactive in your parenting duties to catch it very early to give your teen a chance.
Chy King, M.Ed. is the owner of
The Sober Sources Network and has extended her network on alcoholism and addiction recovery for both adults and teens to incorporate over 20 different websites targeting alcoholism and addiction in hopes of helping those seeking their own solutions. You may view one of the live forums at
The Sober Village to see recovery in action!
Labels: crystal meth, Crystal Meth Addiction, CrystalClear, CrystalClear™, Meth, meth detox, methamphetamine
An Introduction to Meth Addiction
Jim Oneil
Meth or methamphetamine is a psychostimulant and sympathomimetic substance. In layman's terms, it's a drug that gets a person high, specifically causing euphoria and excitement, and is thus prone to abuse and addiction.
Unlike marijuana, cocaine and heroine, meth - also called 'crank,' 'ice,' 'snappy,' 'crystal,' 'tina,' 'glass' and 'P' in the United States; 'shabu' in the Philippines; 'tik' in South Africa; 'yaa baa' in Thailand - is a purely synthetic stimulant. So how bad is this synthetic drug?
'(Meth) is the most malignant, addictive drug known to mankind,' says Dr. Michael Abrams of Broadlawn Medical Center (Des Moines, Iowa), where more patients were admitted during the past year for abuse of methamphetamine than for alcoholism. 'The body has enzymes that break down cocaine,' he said, 'but not with methamphetamine.'
Meth is derived from amphetamine, which was first synthesized in 1887 in Germany. It was, for a long time, 'a drug in search of a disease,' until it found its use as treatment for depression and nasal congestion in the late 1920s.
Then in 1919, meth was synthesized in Japan, taking the form a crystalline powder soluble in water. Today, it is produced legally and sold under the trade name Desoxyn in the US.
Amphetamines were used in World War II to keep soldiers fired up and ready, but they were most widely used during the Vietnam War by US soldiers, exceeding the amphetamine consumption by the rest of the world during WWII. Intravenous methamphetamine abuse reached epidemic proportions in Japan immediately after the war, when supplies intended for military use became available to the public.
In the 1950s in the US, college students, truck drivers, and athletes were using legally manufactured tablets of both dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine) and methamphetamine (Methedrine), which became readily available even for non-medical use. This opened the floodgates to abuse that even the 1970 Controlled Substances Act wasn't enough to reverse the trend.
Meth is a tricky life-wrecker in that it hides its disastrous long-term effects with its short-term effects that can be used by an individual to his advantage, like increased attention, decreased fatigue, increased activity, decreased appetite, euphoria and rush, increased respiration and hyperthermia. Of course, drug dealers won't tell crank heads that meth could, in the long run, cause addiction psychosis, paranoia, hallucinations, mood disturbances, repetitive motor activity, and stroke.
Meth addicts are categorized as (1) those who use the drug for medicinal purposes and eventually become hooked, (2) those who use the drug to get that 'rush' euphoric feeling, and (3) babies who are born to a parent with meth addiction. Babies born to meth-addicted parent or parents usually suffer from low birth rate, tremors, attention deficit disorder and other birth defects.
Recovery from meth addiction is possible, but the withdrawal period is intense and there are possibilities for relapse. Worse, meth addiction not only causes dysfunctions in a user's everyday life but also affects the addict's family and loved ones who bear the brunt of this substance-induced social illness.
You may be into it or not, but everybody has to know what makes crystal meth addictive. To find out more about it, you can check this site:
meth addiction.
If you are positive that you have the symptoms for meth addiction, you may as well check the medical information and treatment on this site:
meth addiction treatment
Labels: crystal meth, Crystal Meth Addiction, CrystalClear, CrystalClear™, Meth, meth addiction treatment, Meth addictions, meth detox
Crystal Meth Users - They Can Be Anyone - Even Those You Know and Love
Meth or Methamphetamine is an extremely addictive illegal drug. Also known as crank, speed, and crystal meth, the drug effects the central nervous system. It is a man made substance that is often produced in home and clandestine laboratories. It can be made into powder or pills, which can be swallowed, snorted, smoked or injected.
Meth is extremely dangerous, not only to the user, but also to the people around them. In the past, users would get meth that was brought in from other countries. Recently however, people are starting their own labs here in the United States. These people are finding "recipes" that include extremely combustible ingredients such as common household products, like paint thinner and starter fluid. These ingredients are blended then "cooked" over heat to produce the drug. Often times, these labs with accidently explode, which can lead to huge explosions that could potential damage to buildings and people around the lab, not just in it. Also, many crystal makers will purposely set their labs on fire if they are in danger of being caught by law enforcement officials.
Meth users can be anyone. Unlike some drugs, it does not just stay within certain communities or areas. It is abused by adults and teens, young and old. It also crosses all socio-economic backgrounds. It is used all across the United States, although it is more prevalent in the Midwestern states such as Iowa.
Meth users can become easily addicted to the drug because of how it affects the brain. This addiction can be very hard to break. The reason why it is so addictive is because when a user achieves a high that makes them very happy and in some cases very productive. However, when the user comes off of the high, they become very low and depressed. This is because the drop affects the brain by block dopamine and causing a chemical imbalance. So in order to stay happy and have that positive effect, they feel as if they need to keep on taking the drug. Crystal Meth is a stimulant like Cocaine which is also very addictive. Meth users often mix the drug with another addictive drug, alcohol. This can produce even more dangerous side effects. The drug users will eventually do anything they can to get their hands on the drug, which is why many of them will start to "cook" it themselves. This can also be dangerous because of the risk of explosion that could injure or even kill the maker and people around them.
Besides becoming addicted, meth users are more likely to commit crimes while high, or not, mainly because of their addiction. Users have resorted to robbery in order to be able to pay for the drugs. Meth user's brains are not functioning properly while they are on the drug so they may become violent or extremely aggressive.
Users of this drug suffer from addiction which is a disease. There is treatment and even cures from Meth addiction, however it is a process that can be difficult and users will need the support of their families and friends while they try to break away from this devastating drug.
About the author:
Do You Suffer From an Addiction? Would you like to know how to break free? Find out now! Visit my site at: - your resource for detailed information on products and treatments for breaking the meth addiction cycle. The author, Kurt LeRoy, has had a lifetime interest in natural, herbal and alternative health products and techniques to eliminate necessity of prescription and otc drugs.
Labels: addicted to Meth, crystal meth, Crystal Meth Addiction, crystal meth treatment, CrystalClear, CrystalClear™, detoxification from amphetamines, Meth, Meth users
Encounters with Meth Users, or "Tweekers", may not be a walk in the park either. Meth induces intense paranoia and symptoms similar to OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder. Meth users may even save their
urine in bottles stashed away in living areas to recover the unmetabolized meth from the urine. Meth users sometimes become obsessive about objects. They might disassemble things like appliances, watches or computers. The objects can occasionally be found in a pile dismantled down to the smallest component.
Most people with OCD are pretty harmless except to themselves. According to police reports, the paranoid meth user can be very dangerous. They're frequently reported to have large, sometimes eccentric, weapon collections that may have large quantities of knives. Dangerous booby traps are often set up to protect the individuals meth stash.
So, how do you know when you're in the presence of a meth lab or potential meth users? Here are just a few signs:
Meth lab signs:
• Yellow stains on walls, drains, sinks and showers
• Blue discolorations on valves of propane tanks and fire extinguishers
• Smoke detectors that are removed or taped off
• Having physical symptoms while inside the house, such as burning in your eyes or throat, itching, a metallic taste in your mouth and breathing problems
• Peculiar strong odors that smell like materials from a garage, such as solvent and paint thinner, cat urine or ammonia • The use of security cameras and surveillance equipment
Signs that property owners should look for with their homes and tenants:
• Renters who behave strangely and are exceedingly thin, have open sores, bad teeth or enlarged pupils
• Extensive amounts of trash with items such as lithium batteries, torn-apart matchbooks, water bottles, cold medicine packs and antifreeze containers
• Stained coffee filters that are not brown
• Plexiglass or other dark-colored cookware
• Glass containers with two layered liquids and chemistry sets
Labels: crystal meth, Crystal Meth Addiction, CrystalClear, CrystalClear™, Meth, meth detox, meth rehab, Meth users, Tweekers
Treatment For Meth Addiction - Psychological Not Physical
Methamphetamine has become a vast problem in the United States and is growing in popularity in other areas of the world. Meth use has overtaken Cocaine use in the Midwest and accounts for more drug related deaths than Cocaine in the last three years. Oklahoma now has
Meth as its drug of choice.
As far back as 1999, a whopping 9.4 million adults admitted to having tried Meth at least once. The fastest growing group of Meth users is in the 18-25 age range. It only takes one use of Meth to become addicted. Meth is an insidious drug and works by impersonating the chemicals produced in the brain for pleasure. Meth produces more of these chemicals to be released at one time and this is what causes the high or the rush that is experienced when a person first ingests Meth.
Once a person experiences this high they develop a need to feel it again and again and go in search of that first rush, which unfortunately will never be repeated.
But why do people first get involved in drug use, particularly meth?
That is a question that many families and friends of addicts ask.
It is a tough question to answer as it has to do more with a person's sense of self and their level of self respect than anything else and the root cause is often a need to feel better or different.
Meth does not cause any physical withdrawal symptoms but it is an addiction that is deeply rooted in the psyche, making it hard to break and there are often many relapses.
A Meth addict doesn't start out with the purpose of becoming an addict - but because of the stranglehold that the drug develops over the brain, treatment can be long and difficult. Meth addicts find themselves in a vicious cycle that has them taking the drug to alleviate pain they feel in their lives - which in turn becomes more painful because of the drug use and the cycle continues with the user having to seek out
Meth in order to feel "normal".
Treatment for Meth addiction has to begin with a detox program which lasts 4-6 weeks. During this time the addict will report strong cravings for the drug. Depending on the length of time an addict has been using, these cravings can last anything up to a year or more. Heavy use means the likelihood of a relapse is all too possible.
Treatment for Meth addiction will involve a lot of counseling and relearning of ways to find pleasure in their life that isn't related to taking drugs. Treatment may also involve a prescription for an anti depressant as the addict may sink into depression as the brain has lost the ability to experience pleasure from normal everyday occurrences.
Meth addiction and its treatment will need to involve help from professionals such as substance abuse advisors and doctors. Family and friends are also encouraged to become involved in the addicts treatment and recovery as they will need a lot of support to
overcome meth addiction.
About the author:
Do You Suffer From an Addiction? Would you like to know how to break free? Find out now! Visit my site at: - your resource for detailed information on products and treatments for breaking the meth addiction cycle. The author, Kurt LeRoy, has had a lifetime interest in natural, herbal and alternative health products and techniques to eliminate necessity of prescription and otc drugs.
Labels: addicted to Meth, crystal meth, Crystal Meth Addiction, crystal meth treatment, CrystalClear, CrystalClear™, Meth, meth detox
A Brief Explanation of the Crystal Meth Treatment Program
Neil D'Silva
Methamphetamine is the most addictive substance and being the derivative of
methamphetamine, crystal meth also is very addictive drug. In short, crystal meth can be more addictive than methamphetamine, as it is of a higher concentration than
methamphetamine. There are various
crystal meth treatment centers in almost every state of America and the number of patients to these centers is also high. These centers mostly follow the rehab program to
treat crystal meth addicts.
Almost all the people who are into
crystal meth addiction are young and belong to the age group of 18 to 25 years. The bodies of these youth are still into developing phase at this age and by taking an addictive substance like crystal meth, these youth are playing with fire. As these youth will grow older, their bodies will become used to crystal meth and then it will become quite difficult to cure them.
As the symptoms for crystal meth addiction are similar to any other type of drug addiction, it becomes a really difficult task to find out whether the addict has a crystal meth addiction or not. Hence the first job of these treatment centers do is to find out whether the addict is really addicted to crystal meth or not. The symptoms of crystal meth addiction are the addict feels happier, their eyes appear bright, they feel more energetic and can do more work easily and they look more cheerful too.
There are various other symptoms to find out about the crystal meth addiction. You can find these symptoms on the Internet. You can also learn more about crystal meth addiction by visiting the federal websites like National Institute of Drug Abuse, National Clearinghouse, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, etc.
If you know someone who is addicted to crystal meth, you can either take them to a treatment center if they are ready or can plan an intervention program to help them come out of their phase of denial. The interventionist will guide you on how you can carry out this intervention program and make your loved one join the treatment program as soon as possible. This specialist will guide you at every step of your intervention program. If you don't know about a proper treatment center in your area, you can ask the interventionist as they will help you in selecting the best one among them.
The interventionist will make you form a group of people who know the addict. Each member from the group will need to write what they feel about the addict and how strongly they want the addict to join the treatment center and live an addiction-free life. Each member will need to prepare their speech and without looking into paper will need to say this in front of the addict and that too with proper feeling. This will surely make the addict think about their lives seriously. This will make them plan their lives without addiction in it. Thus they will be ready to joining the treatment center.
The next job will be to find a suitable treatment center and make the addict join the treatment program. There are special treatment centers to deal with the crystal meth addiction and you should make sure that you search one of them. You should also check the license of the treatment center. The treatment provider should be well qualified and all the medical facilities should be available in the center.
In case there are no good treatment centers for treating crystal meth addiction in your local area, you can also try and join the treatment centers that are in other states. You can always take the main treatment from this center and then shift the patient to your local center for an aftercare program. The treatment of crystal meth addiction is more intense than any other drug abuse treatment. The patient will be needed to be strong-willed to go through all the stages of the treatment p[program. The patient's family can play a major role in giving full support to the patient. The detox treatment for the addict of the crystal meth is also tough and the withdrawal symptoms can last for about one month. The aftercare treatment is also equally important as the patient might feel the urge to go back to their addiction.
Locating a crystal meth treatment program is not difficult because there are a lot of options available especially in current times. But it is important to see that the program will be suitable to the needs of the patient. This you can do only through adequate research and planning.
Labels: crystal meth, crystal meth treatment, CrystalClear, CrystalClear™, Meth, meth herbal detox
Will Meth Abuse Reach New Heights With Shake and Bake?
Ensuring drug users get into drug treatment is more important than ever as this new method of making meth makes the drug more accessible.
Police and community groups who've been desperately trying to handle the meth problem by shutting down meth labs and getting users into meth treatment are afraid that the latest method of making methamphetamine, called 'shake and bake', will start a new wave of meth use and create a new generation of meth users. Their fears are justified: when you make a drug easier to get and less expensive, it can spread like wildfire - just like crack.
Shake and bake is all over the news. The 'shake' part of it refers to a small portable lab more or less in a bottle. It produces smaller amounts and requires fewer supplies than regular meth labs - which means there's less chance of someone getting caught buying the supplies. This method also allows the drug to be made without the tell-tale odor that often leads to meth lab busts, and meth makers can simply pick up their lab and run should it come to that, although they may catch on fire in the process.
With things like shake and bake around, it's more important than ever to ensure the people in your life don't get involved in drugs, and that those who are already involved get into drug treatment. Meth is probably the most physically and mentally damaging of all drugs and, in truth, if a person is living in a drug environment, there's no guarantee they won't take meth or any other drug.
If you want to get a look at what meth can do, check out The photos on the site show the changes in people from the time they get their first mug shot to a second shot, months or years later (during which time they've been using meth). The changes can be drastic after just a few months, and after two or three years, you could literally have trouble recognizing your own son or daughter. And even if they stop taking the drug, there's a good chance they'll never look the same again or fully recover their health.
There are a lot of people in prison because of drugs. Some would be better off in drug treatment. But anyone who sees what meth can do would no doubt feel that those who are in prison because they made or sold meth are probably in the right place. Let's just hope they also get a complete drug rehab program so they're less likely to get involved in drugs when they get out of prison, and less likely to continue to ruin the lives of others.
Gloria MacTaggart is a freelance writer that contributes articles on health.
http://www.drugrehabreferral.comLabels: crystal meth, Crystal Meth Addiction, CrystalClear, CrystalClear™, making meth, Meth, meth detox, methamphetamine
Do I Really Need Professional Meth Lab Testing? You May Be Surprised at the Answer!
Patricia Abney
All of us have a list of worries when looking to move into a new home but if it hasn't occurred to you before, you should have possible meth contamination on your list. If you are considering moving into a location that's in or neighboring a drug abuse area or a foreclosed property, count environmental testing for street drugs as first on your list.
A 2002 survey by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services showed that more than 12 million people age 12 or older (5.3 percent) had used methamphetamine at least one time in their lives. In 2003, 32 percent of state and local law enforcement agencies nationally named methamphetamine as the number two contributor--behind cocaine (50 percent)--to violent crime in their jurisdictions.
Methamphetamine Manufacture
Methamphetamine is made in improvised illegal laboratories using ingredients oftentimes bought in local stores. Over-the-counter cold medications containing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine and other materials can be "cooked" to make the drug. According to the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), methamphetamine production and trafficking have changed in the past 10 years. In 2001, according to the National Clandestine Laboratory Database, there were 8,290 methamphetamine lab seizures. From 1999 to 2004, the number of seizures in total actually declined, but seizures dramatically increased in midwestern states.
Chemical Hazards During Synthesis
There are numerous formulas used to synthesize methamphetamine. Most processes are dependant on availability of mass chemicals. Because the structures of ephedrine and methamphetamine are very related, a lot of recipes are fashioned to take out a bound oxygen and hydrogen atom from the ephedrine and replace it with hydrogen. [1]
Was this place a meth lab? Occasionally the evidence is glaring. Sometimes it's not. Meth labs might be concealed behind false walls. You may observe modifications that seem strange such as exhaust fans mounted where they have no rational use or bootlegged power supply. The following list gives more obvious meth lab signs:
Yellow stains on walls, drains, sinks and showers
Blue discolorations on valves of propane tanks and fire extinguishers
Smoke detectors that are removed or taped off
Experiencing physical symptoms when inside the house, such as burning in your eyes or throat, itching, a metallic taste in your mouth and breathing problems
Odd strong odors that smell like materials from a garage, such as solvent and paint thinner, cat urine or ammonia the use of security cameras and surveillance equipment.
Even if the owner disclosed prior drug use or even a clean up you should have the home tested for traces of drugs. The dangers aren't worth the risk. The chemicals used to manufacture elicit drugs can saturate the walls, get in the carpet and household contents such as furniture. Lead and mercury are common by-products detected in the meth residue. Health experts say effects from exposure to meth residue can include skin and eye irritation, rash, headaches, respiratory problems, dizziness, loss of coordination, damage to liver, kidney and central nervous systems. Little is known about the long term effects on health.
Safety is extremely important. Suitable respiratory protection and other personal protective equipment are central factors in reducing the risk of adverse health affects for personnel going into and cleaning up methamphetamine laboratories. Surface contaminants in illicit labs and the surrounding area can be significant. The entire area of an illicit methamphetamine laboratory should be considered significantly contaminated with the drug itself. One study accounted wipe sample concentrations as high as 16,000 micrograms per 100 square centimeters (µg/100cm²).
So, what about those "do-it-yourself" wipe tests that you can buy online? NOT recommended for several reasons. First and foremost is safety. It's not recommended that ANYONE set foot inside a potentially contaminated property unless trained and certified by OSHA in Hazardous Materials handling. Our technicians wear full level C PPE the entire time that they are on the premises of a potential meth lab. In addition, any results you obtain will be unscientific and not legally defensible. Finally, those tests for the most part will give you only a +/- for the presence of the meth molecule and will tell you nothing as to the levels of meth that are present.
A positive test may occur in places where meth has been used, as well as manufactured. This test is for the actual residue of the drug alone. It does not screen for chemicals used in the fabrication or those that are produced in the process. A positive test tells you simply to proceed with caution and doesn't really help to paint a picture as to what needs to be done to resolve the problem.
This is serious business and it's important that you bring in someone that is qualified to handle this for you. Half measures and quick fixes are not going to bring you peace of mind, safety and the ever important legally defensible documentation that you have a professionally remediated structure that is clean and ready to be occupied.
[1] Source - Occupational & Health Administration, "Coping With Meth Hazards", 11/01/2006.
Patricia Abney, is President and Founder of Rapid Response BioDecon, Inc., West Central Florida's Specialized death and trauma scene cleaning company. In addition to Biohazard Decontamination, Rapid Response offers Meth Lab Clean Up services to all Southeastern States including Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina. RAPID RESPONSE BIODECON is one of only three companies in the State of Florida that employ OSHA Certified Meth Lab Decontamination Specialists who are experts in handling site contamination caused by illegal drug production. Meth Lab Testing and Clean Up information can be found at
The company's website can be accessed at: and they are ready to assist 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Technician's can also be reached at: 1-866-98DECON.
The corporation maintains an outstanding reputation sustained by honest, hard work and customer satisfaction.
Labels: crystal meth, Crystal Meth Addiction, CrystalClear, CrystalClear™, Meth, methamphetamine, Methamphetamine Detox
Suburban Rental Units - The New Home of Meth Labs
Patricia Abney
Meth labs are no longer restricted to the rural areas of America. They have now infiltrated suburbia. Meth cooks are capitalizing on the kind and harmless "image" suburbs provide and using them as a means of screening their dangerous and illegal operations.

Imagine an environmental catastrophe waiting to materialize in your rental property - a cooking procedure utilizing corrosive and flammable elements, that at some phases produces the same gas used in concentration camps, producing an odorous reaction of chemicals and toxic fumes, brewed by people who normally don't have chemistry degrees...and you have the typical meth lab.
The meth lab is more dangerous than any legal laboratory or chemical manufacturing plant. Meth labs have been defined as an "explosion waiting to happen." In fact, 25%-30% of all labs exposed in the U.S. are detected as a result of fire or explosion. A clandestine (secret) meth lab will likely have hazardous, flammable chemicals stashed away in every type of container imaginable--in closets, under stairways, under tables or even out in the open. Little of the glassware and equipment will be acceptable laboratory materials. Most will be improvised using casserole dishes, CorningWare, crock pots, etc.; Parts may be cracked and have jagged edges, sometimes covered with duct tape. Heaters, ovens or power strips could have frayed or exposed wires. Also, the gases produced by the operation are highly flammable, made worse by the fact that labs are commonly concealed in a closed off room or a basement. A pilot light on your gas water heater could ignite the entire property. More importantly, a majority of the people operating these suburban meth labs don't own the property, they rent.
The After Effects of a Meth Lab on Your Property
There's little known about the health effects of long-term exposure to contaminants left behind by previous methamphetamine labs. Property owners are advised to exercise extreme caution and use the safest possible cleaning practices in dealing with a former meth lab property. There are company's that specialize in this type of clean up who will even provide a certificate of decontamination at conclusion of the cleanup process.
When drug users, dealers, or manufacturers live in or operate out of rental properties, neighborhoods suffer - and landlords pay a steep price. If the unit has been used as a meth fabricating lab, the decontamination cost alone is high, averaging $10,000-$15,000 for a 1200-square-foot home.
After a lab has been shut down, your property typically still is contaminated with hazardous chemicals. Residues of methamphetamine and other chemicals left over at a former meth lab are a concern for people who later occupy the property. For this reason, local health departments may get involved and thoroughly evaluate the property for hazards before permitting it to be re-inhabited, particularly if by children. Long and short term health effects include liver and kidney damage, neurological problems and increased cancer risks, even for people residing in former lab sites.
When a meth lab is detected in a multiple-unit dwelling, neighbors might be worried about their exposure to hazardous chemicals while the lab was still operational. Neighbors danger for exposure is generally very low, but it's important to address any nearby residents concerns.
But there are also other profound costs that a landlord can incur as a consequence of meth activity on the premises. How tenants' meth use impacts rental properties and landlords:
- Methamphetamine attracts criminal activity - gang-related activities such as vandalism and violence
- Property values decline, especially once the activity drives the neighborhood to get a bad reputation
- Property damage results from tenant misuse and neglect, from retaliation, from fire, or from police busts
- Civil penalties could be imposed, including the forced temporary closure or even seizure of the property
- Rental income is forfeited during the eviction and repair periods
- Good renters may move out because of meth-related troubles, resulting in lost rental income
- Feelings of bitterness and anger damage relationships between neighbors and property managers
- Being forced to address with dangerous and threatening tenants generates fear and frustration
Signs of meth activity at a rental property:
Landlords might observe behavior in renters that suggests potential meth or other drug use and, possibly, drug dealing:
- Failure to pay rent or utility bills
- Failure to keep the house in good condition
A combination of the indicators below may be significant.
Vehicle traffic and automobiles
- Expensive vehicles that seem out of place for the area
- Regular car switching, particularly at unusual hours:
- people arrive in one car and leave in another
- Vehicles stopping for short stays - fewer than 20 minutes
- Regular late-night deliveries
- Considerable increase in vehicular traffic
- Suspicious vehicles: clean license plates on a dirty car, damage consistent with the car being a stolen vehicle
Foot traffic
- People parking away from the premises and walking in
- Ungroomed, disoriented visitors or neighbors
- People taking in tools, electronics, or other items that might be used to sell or trade for drugs
Change in property conditions
- Collections of garbage or junk
- Deterioration of the premises or yard
- Disassembling of vehicles or machinery (frequently the high gives meth users the energy to begin projects, but they lack the ability to focus enough to complete them)
Residents' appearance and behavior
- Ungroomed, dirty appearance
- Children show signs of abuse or disregard
- Pets are uncared-for, neglected
- Occupant is awake for days at a time
- Occupant sleeps for days at a time
- There's frequent partying in the dwelling
- There are a lot of young visitors, even when the residents do not have children in the same age group as the visitors
- Increased crime in the neighborhood, particularly crimes of opportunity like vehicle thefts and burglaries
- Other neighbors displaying strange behavior - hanging out at the drug house or defending the occupants, for instance
Steps you can take to prevent meth at your property:
- Show tenants that you are partnering with local law enforcement by displaying their decals
- Conduct background checks on renters. Check references, credit histories, and, if you get the required approval, criminal background
- Inspect your property on a regular basis
- Encourage tenants and others in the community to be mindful of suspicious individuals and activities
- Encourage nearby residents to alert you to any worries that they have
How can a meth lab be cleaned up?
Property owners are responsible for proper cleanup and costs. Owners who choose to clean buildings on their own ought to be aware that household building materials and furniture may absorb contaminants and, in some cases, emit toxic fumes. Private cleanup contractors can and should be hired to conduct safe meth lab testing and decontamination of any property known or suspected to have been a
meth lab.
Patricia Abney, is President and Founder of Rapid Response BioDecon, Inc., West Central Florida's Specialized death and trauma scene cleaning company. In addition to Biohazard Decontamination, Rapid Response offers Meth Lab Clean Up services to all Southeastern States including Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina. RAPID RESPONSE BIODECON is one of only three companies in the State of Florida that employ OSHA Certified Meth Lab Decontamination Specialists who are experts in handling site contamination caused by illegal drug production.
The company's website can be accessed at: and they are ready to assist 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Technician's can also be reached at: 1-866-98DECON.
The corporation maintains an outstanding reputation sustained by honest, hard work and customer satisfaction.
Labels: crystal meth, Crystal Meth Addiction, CrystalClear, CrystalClear™, Meth, meth detox, meth herbal detox, Meth Lab, meth lies, Meth users, methamphetamine
Celebrities Who Have Undergone Alcohol Abuse Rehab
Sarika Kabra
There are literally countless well known, even well loved celebrities, who are very much in the public eye, who have undergone an alcohol rehab program. While some have managed to kick the habit successfully with their alcohol addiction rehab, others have gone on to relapse, some more than once and have been on a rollercoaster ride, staying on and falling off the wagon.
Whether the celebrities were able to put the alcohol abuse rehab program to the best use and stay sober or whether they relapsed, their very public struggle with alcohol abuse has given hope, guidance and courage to many others to face their problems and fight to save their lives.
The list of celebs with abuse problems, who have seen the inside of an alcohol addiction rehab center is very long; names such as these are only a small sample of the individuals that have graced these lists from time to time: actors like Robin Williams, Robert Downey Jr., Ben Affleck, Samuel L Jackson, Patrick Swayze, Dennis Quaid, Winona Ryder, Demi Moore, Elizabeth Taylor, Colin Farrel, Kiefer Sutherland, Melanie Griffith, Drew Barrymore, Kate Moss, Mel Gibson, Matthew Perry, Charlie Sheen and others have been in rehab at least once for some or other form of substance abuse.
Musicians and / or singers like Michael Jackson, Eminem, Boy George, Jonny Cash, Kurt Cobain, Whitney Houston, James Brown, Eddie Van Halen, Liza Minneli, Ozzy Osborne, David Bowie have all also battled substance addiction and have, at some point been in a drug alcohol rehab program to kick their addiction. Even famous athletes such as Mike Tyson has been in rehab and even people such as Dick Cheney, who has held high office for this country.
There is much that others can learn from the celebrities who have either deliberately or inadvertently shared their struggles with the rest of the populace. For one these very public battles with substance abuse can help individuals recognize that they have in fact got a problem. Knowing for instance that Eddie Van Halen's substance dependence was making it impossible for him to proceed with long tours and performances can help people recognize how addiction can affect a person's livelihood and life. Robert Downey Jr.'s many addiction, several arrests and badly derailed career in spite of being a tremendously talented actor is a salutary lesson about how an addiction can take over a person's life and destroy it.
It can help someone who is in denial and help them identify and admit to the problem which is the first step in the journey to correction. What others can take heart from is that celebs, who have a lot of public and other pressure on them often undergo a heroic struggle with their demons and their addictions and emerge victorious; these are success stories, the like of which can give great encouragement and support to others.
Lastly, celebrity alcohol addiction rehab have help people over the shame that they may feel in admitting to their problems. If a much admired celebrity can admit to a frailty of the magnitude of this addiction, then surely it can give many others the courage to do the same.
Labels: alcohol abuse, celebrities, crystal meth, Meth addictions, substance abuse
Crystal meth use is of growing concern nationwide as the latest statistics shows that more young people across the nation have becoming dependant on this drug. It once dominated the streets in the western states in the early 60's, has once again began to make its mark across the United States. It was isolated in Midwest but due to the fact that it is easy to manufacture, using readily accessible over the counter ingredients and its cheap value the
market for meth is now nationwide.
It has, within a short period of time, became the most common drug of abused, second to cocaine.
There are many sources of information on crystal meth available online, in school libraries, social clubs, on the negative affects it has on the human mind and body.
Like unsafe sex and other explicit behavior that should be avoided, meth use has still been domineering.
Research has linked the increase incidents of HIV cases to use of crystal meth; many who has been tested positive for HIV has admitted to the use of this drug. The sharing of needles and the exploited sexual behavior that has been associated with meth use may be the contributing factor to these evidences.
Crystal meth is the toxic and more addictive form of methamphetamine.
While they may have similar effects, crystal meth has more long lasting effects and far more toxic to the body than pure methamphetamines. Meth is used clinically for attention deficit disorder and obesity. Young girls are drawn more to meth because of its appetite suppression effects. The misuse of the drug and overdosing exposes them to that euphoric feeling that associates with meth use, and after a while they become "hooked". Yes, meth may help you lose weight and to keep you alert but due to its negative effects, it pays not to use the drug.
While some may argue that the information on crystal meth available to young people may be the contributing reason for the surge in meth use, others argue that it is important that young people know all the facts about meth, both positive and negative. There is adequate amount of information on crystal meth available in all media forms; however this information alone is not enough to curb this growing addiction.
Labels: addicted to Meth, crystal meth, Crystal Meth Addiction, CrystalClear, CrystalClear™, Meth, meth detox
Crystal meth use is of growing concern nationwide as the latest statistics shows that more
young people across the nation have becoming dependant on this drug. It once dominated the streets in the western states in the early 60's, has once again began to make its mark across the United States. It was isolated in Midwest but due to the fact that it is easy to manufacture, using readily accessible over the counter ingredients and its cheap value the market for meth is now nationwide.
It has, within a short period of time, became the
most common drug of abused, second to cocaine.
There are many sources of information on crystal meth available online, in school libraries, social clubs, on the negative affects it has on the human mind and body. Like unsafe sex and other explicit behavior that should be avoided, meth use has still been domineering.
Research has linked the increase incidents of HIV cases to use of crystal meth; many who has been tested positive for HIV has admitted to the use of this drug. The sharing of needles and the exploited sexual behavior that has been associated with meth use may be the contributing factor to these evidences.
Crystal meth is the toxic and more addictive form of methamphetamine.
While they may have similar effects, crystal meth has more long lasting effects and far more toxic to the body than pure methamphetamines. Meth is used clinically for attention deficit disorder and obesity. Young girls are drawn more to meth because of its appetite suppression effects. The misuse of the drug and overdosing exposes them to that euphoric feeling that associates with meth use, and after a while they become "hooked". Yes, meth may help you lose weight and to keep you alert but due to its negative effects, it pays not to use the drug.
While some may argue that the information on crystal meth available to young people may be the contributing reason for the surge in meth use, others argue that it is important that young people know all the facts about meth, both positive and negative. There is adequate amount of information on crystal meth available in all media forms; however this information alone is not enough to curb this growing addiction.
Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:
Information on crystal methLabels: addicted to Meth, crystal meth, Crystal Meth Addiction, CrystalClear, CrystalClear™, herbal meth detox, Meth users
Crystal Meth Drug Treatment
Steve Hill The alarming increase in the use of crystal meth addicts has contributed the much needed research into the demography and market of this drug.
Research has shown that 10.4 million people 12 years and over have tried meth at least once in their lifetime.
Approximately 1.3 million reported using meth over between the year 2004 - 2005 and 512,000 reported using meth within the last month this meth statistic was taken.
The United Nations also disclaimed that the use of meth has become of international concern since it is the number 2 most widely used illegal drug worldwide, second to marijuana, and in the United States, Cocaine.
Crystal meth drug treatment programs have been deemed the most challenging of addiction treatment.
There are many crystal meth drug treatment programs available such a rehab, meth treatment centers, and self help programs.
Most of these programs follow the classical 12 step program to recovery.
Crystal Meth addicts who have been through the rehabilitation process still need to get involve in counseling and group monitoring sessions to help them remain sober.
Research has shown that only about ten percent of addicts remain sober, an alarming statistic.
It is essential that continued support is maintained and that the addict keeps attending the monitoring sessions to avoid becoming one of those ninety percent who do not succeed.
The person needs to realise and understand the damage that they are doing for themselves and the affect that their addiction is having on their families and friends. Help is available therefore have the courage to take it.
Labels: crystal meth, Crystal Meth Addiction, CrystalClear, CrystalClear™, herbal meth detox, Meth, meth rehab
Crystal Meth Addiction
Knowledge is power, yet do you really know the disastrous effects of crystal meth?
Commonly sold on the street and “cooked” in clandestine labs, crystal meth is a vile and poisonous drug extremely popular in Canada - and that’s only part of the problem.
Unlike other types of drugs, crystal meth is highly addictive. A user is much likely to become addicted simply after one use; putting his own health in peril and continually resorting to dealers for more.
Police have reported that in several cases, crystal meth has been sold as ecstasy in parties. Its effects might be appealing to some, but they will never come close to outweigh the deadly and extremely harmful side effects.
A high from crystal meth appears very promising, since it is said to provide endless energy, removing the need to eat or sleep, super focus, increased productivity and euphoria. Imagine a euphoric flood, a complete body orgasm, infinite energy; the most boring of tasks becomes a riveting experience, even house-cleaning. Great, eh?
Far from that! The day after, the user feels sick, depressed, guilty, ashamed and angry. And what would take away those nasty feelings? More crystal meth of course. That’s where the problem begins, and before the user knows it, he is completely hooked on crystal meth, trying to attain maximum energy and euphoria. The problem is that after awhile, the high of meth becomes disappointing, euphoria turns to numbness, super focus is replaced by confusion, and productivity is limited to simple tasks.
Severe side effects are associated with the use of crystal meth. Some of them include:
Behavioral Effects:
Pressed Speech
Cognitive Effects:
Paranoia, Hallucinations
Speed Bugs
Psychotic Episode
Physical Effects:
Increased Heart Rate
Rise in Blood Sugar
Kidney and Liver Damage
Chest pain
Crystal meth does not discriminate; it preys on businessmen, professionals, students, teenagers, the working class, the "average Joe", the street bum and everybody in between.
“Crystal meth can just take over a community, because of its highly addictive properties and the ease with which it can be synthesized in labs in homes. It's alarming. You have small communities that are awash in this drug,” said Sgt. Ian Sanderson, an RCMP drug expert in Edmonton.
Not only in Alberta, but in other Canadian provinces too, the popularity of crystal meth is increasing dramatically. Canada's crystal meth problem is the worst in British Columbia. The number of deaths there related to methamphetamine has risen from three in 2000 to thirty-three in 2004. Most of those deaths have been drug overdoses or car accidents in which the driver was high on meth. A rise in certain types of crime in B.C. in recent years is in part attributable to the increased use of methamphetamines. Car theft, fraud and sex assaults are all fuelled by the adrenaline rush from crystal meth.
One of the main factors creating hardships for the police force in dealing with crystal meth, is the abundance of crystal meth labs in homes and warehouses. These labs deal with toxic and lethal chemicals throughout a complex process of transformation. Frighteningly enough, these labs are situated in the heart of residential neighbourhoods and business areas. The discovery of such labs is usually after a serious explosion occurs, often resulting in several injuries and deaths.
It gets worse. Families, including children, live in these home-based labs, eating and sleeping next to highly toxic chemicals. Health officials fear children exposed to these chemicals are at a significantly higher risk of long-term health problems, including Parkinson’s disease, and many are developmentally delayed. Yet unless the lab is discovered, the children remain in a perilous situation.
The environment is equally affected. The creation of crystal meth in those clandestine labs produces huge amounts of chemical waste. For every pound of crystal meth produced, 5 pounds of chemical waste has to be disposed of. Usually, it is either flushed down the bathtub, or simply thrown out into the environment.
Crystal meth is an all-round poisonous drug. It is a growing crisis affecting families, friends and neighbourhoods, just like yours. No one is sheltered from its harmful effects, be it by the drug itself, the toxicity of producing it, or the dangers of being nearby a hidden clandestine lab. Additional drug prevention campaigns and resources need to be put forth to help eliminating this threat. Crystal meth is a killer that must be stopped.
Certain Canadian provincial governments are beginning to take measures to counteract the increasing popularity of crystal meth. Drug prevention campaigns across tthe country are being se in place to inform the youth and teenagers of the grave dangers of this drug. For those who wish to get help with their drug addiction, there are several drug rehabilitation and treatments centers scattered throughout the country.
One of them is Narconon® (a unique biophysical 100% drug rehabilitation program). Its exceptional methods have proven countless times to be effective and have shown positive results. The qualified staff is present and attentive to the needs of each individual, and is determined to help the individual in overcoming his drug addiction. If you are affected by crystal meth, don’t let it dictate your life, get help now.
Jonathan Kelly is a writer/Web Marketing specialist for , and proud supporter of alternative drug rehabilitation organizations worldwide, for more then 20 years.
Labels: crystal meth, Crystal Meth Addiction, CrystalClear, CrystalClear™, Meth, Meth addictions, meth herbal detox
Hello people. My name is Wayne and im an ex user from drugs who was on almost everything drug related, but meth was my conclusion to my destruction. Got 2 1/2 yrs of clean time on my belt from meth but it doesnt even feel like a f**king day, an hour, 30 minutes with out gettting some kind of thought from it. I just want peace from it but i know i cant get that because of the physical and mental problems i received from abusing it.
Had my life infront of me and i let it take it away from me so easily, like i wanted it to and had no say over it but did because i had a choice like all of us do, do good or, do bad...Im 26 and feel like im in my middle 30's inside. Im so beat up from all those nights staying awake and wasteing my life away. Rather then going to class to learn how to cook, id rather be in my dorm room in frisco smokeing meth and trying to find a girl to have sex with all night. Just to say that kills me because its ugly and i became ugly, disgusting to probably have people not want to be around me because i see it when i look in the mirror and tell myself i hate you when i wish i didnt because i say that because i want my life back, like that movie the Shawshank Redemption when Morgan says in close to the end, "I just want things to make sense again so i wont have to feel scared all the time" <--- what it exactly says yo! I hate feeling so scared.
Just f**king scared to wake up and except the next day when i was never expecting it to be ok because i wasnt ok, because i was so high and took modivation away, grow to be someone, leave the child and grow to be an adult, successful, just happy and not scared all the time. My shadow people still haunt me at night and i cant believe it..maybe its from the nights and still not being able to get a good nights rest because im so lost in my mind, so many thoughts on my mind from the past of my war on drugs till now, staying clean, fighting for my sobriety, trying to keep a job in these tough times, have friends, REAL friends, have family love me for who i am someday which they cant and i dont blame them.
Drugs dont just hurt me, they hurt them so much, cry just like me at night when i was down fallin and i would call them so jittery, worry them, bring hell to not just me, to them at thier door steps and its something hard to get over for many out their, like mine i see everyday. I look so beat up still, fatigued, weight gain, like im eating my cravings away so much, contantly. Id rather eat then pick up that bubble i'll tell you that much, but the weight needs fixing.
Tryin to get my own place again so i can have my peace from my mom and how i burden her it seems like when i have to live here. She worries and i dont blame her. Get my place when i have money saved and a job on the side to keep it, like i know i can because ive been doing. Just the economy and the way it is kicked me out of Bend, OR, lost my small business with my business partner and had to move because he was upset to have me for a roomate i guess, took it hard, who knows? I alone, had friends their, had a life taking away when i was making one but nothing never works out how you want it to, like you have no controll of the next day, week, month, shit just happens, that famous quote..i just need peace people!
I want to be able to wake up and feel ok. I cant believe what meth and my addictions have done to me and i wish every god dame day i could take it all back because i wouldnt be struggleing so bad, i could get my life back!
For those of you struggleing to stay clean, or still using and want to get off the shit know you are not alone if you feel like you are and know one understands because i do...stop now before its to late for you, save anything you got left in you thats still human because your body is crying inside and whats you to help it.
i will never do it again, the insanity from it i got and everyday is so hard your body a favor and give it a chance, people a chance again, it will be worth it in the long run because we might find that happiness that drugs, specially meth in my opinion cant give us. Thanks for hearing me out you guys and take care.
Labels: herbal meth detox, Meth, meth addiction treatment, Meth Lab, meth rehab
So I have been reading the stories on this site for about a year now. So many times I have thought about telling my story. But I wonder if I can remember enough. All I know is when I write it down I want to give creedance to how it really was back then. I want for someone to read my story and really get it and feel it because being on meth is no joke and most people who start don't quit. Because once you start meth will take your soul.
They say that marijuana is a gateway drug and I remember I used to laugh when I heard that. Now I believe it's true. My mom had me when she was 15 years old and she did the best she could. But she had several bad marriages that were filled with physical abuse, drugs and alcohol. I was the oldest child and I guess I felt responsible for my mom. It caused me to feel like I had no control in my life. I met my very first best friend in 5th grade our parents used drugs together and we were inseperable. It was that year that we started drinking, smoking weed and taking Codiene if her step dad would give it to us.
Around the time that I went to high school my mom and step dad got off drugs and changed their lives. By then I think it was probably too late for me. Little did I know at that time that I was the perfect canidate to be an addict. I had alot of pain and pent up anger that I wanted to medicate. During high school I continued to smoke weed and even did Acid a few times. But didn't like the feeling of not being in control. I met a guy that was here from Texas going to motorcycle repair school. He was so cute and we hit it off right away. We did well for quite a while and he got along with all my friends. Then one night out of the blue I find out that he is dealing meth and that my best friend knew it and had been doing it for quite a while.
I guess I felt a little naive at that point. I didn't end up doing it that night but it didn't matter cuz soon after I did start using. I can still remember who I was with, what I was wearing and every detail of that first night I ever snorted a line. After I did I felt like the best energy or so I thought. I wasn't shy anymore I loved going out and meeting people. I never ate or drank anything. And for a girl as skinny as I was to begin with that was just bad. My family quickly figured out what I was doing and wouldn't allow it. They kicked me out and I moved in with my best friend and her heroin addicted mother. By this time I was fully addicted to meth. I ended up getting pregnant by a guy that I would never have given the time of day if it had not been for the drugs. He was strung out too and couldn't even make it to my first doctor's appointment. I stopped using and did well for most of my pregnancy until the end. I snorted a line on 2 different occassions. After a night of being up all night I went into labor the next morning. I had my daughter in less than 2 hours. I am so lucky that she did not come up with meth in her system and she was healthy.
When I was about 3 months pregnant I met up with a friend from my past and he asked me out. I was so excited and after dating for a while I knew I was in love. We got married soon after my daughter was born. I tried to be a good wife and there were times I did well but mostly I used off and on. I forgot to mention my husband is a recovering meth addict and hates the stuff. So we split up several times. I ended up getting my own apartment on section 8 where i didn't have to pay any rent. Soon all my addict friends were living with me and I was so out of control. I thought at the time I was being a good parent because I fed my daughter bathed her and spent all my time with her. But i wasn't bonding with her because I couldn't feel anything. Literally you couldn't make me cry about anything back then. By this time I had gone from snorting to smoking to shooting dope. My mom and dad filed a petition for dependency. Meaning my daughter is too young to speak for herself and they were tying to take custody of her.
I rememeber the night before Court I had been up all night and was planning on going to Court and fighting for my child to come home. But one of my addict friends told me to look around and think if it's really best for her. It was the hardest choice I ever had to make but I let my mom and dad have temporary custody. I got clean 2 months later and reunited with my husband. We had to go through CPS to get my daughter back. We did drug tests for a year. One on one Counseling, Parenting Classes. You name it we did it. It was worth it and I got my daughter back. I got pregnant with my second daughter in 1997 and I had a great job. I was on the right track. I don't remember how it started again but soon I was doing the dope again. Lying to my husband and being secretive. I did this for years getting clean for a while and then falling back.
The Next Chapter: My husband and I had just bought our first home. We both had great jobs two brand new vehicles and a camper. Life was so good until I ran into the old best friend after not seeing her for many years. Soon I started meeting other people who lived close to me that used meth as well. I lived in a nice house in a nice neighborhood but it seemed like every where I turned was someone I knew. This time I started smoking meth. I know how bad shooting dope is but nothing has affected me like smoking it. I have always had the best memory and now I don't hardly remember anything. I started sneaking out in the middle of the night. I would say i'm going to the store and not come home for days not even thinking about what my kids were doing. I sold things out of our house. My husband tried to kick me out but I wouldn't leave.
By that time we had both gotten verbally and physically abusive with each other. He tried everything to get me to stop. I remember when he would tell me he's going to leave me I would feel like my whole world was ending. I loved him and my kids more than anything. And everytime I cried and promised him I would never do it again I really believed myself because I wanted to stop so badly I didn't want to lose my family. Finally after a huge fight where I flipped out in front of my kids throwing tables across the room he took the kids and left me. I just went into my self hate even more. I had non stop people in and out of my house. I soon started cheating on my husband with a guy I felt accepted me for who I was and could put the needle in my arm for me. I was the type of tweaker that didn't like having alot of people come around but it didn't matter I would tell people not to come and they would anyways banging on your door till you answer.
Some of the people I met back then scare me to death. I was so stupid, trusting and naive I thought everyone was my friend. All the while they were stealing everything in my house and I was so high I didn't even notice. I let a so called friend and his girl friend stay with me after he convinced me that he would help keep some of the people away. Boy was I stupid it only got worse and when I told him and his girlfriend to move out he stuck his gun in my face and said I don't think so. That was the night I started having panic attacks. I locked myself in my room packed as much as I could and the next morning he told me he wanted me to get him a $150 out of the bank. He had intimidated me so much at this point he thought I would do whatever he said. I took my stuff and never went back home.
My husband saved my butt and went and put his own life in danger and threw them out. We sold our house in Sept 2005 and I got $25,000 back. So I moved me and my little boyfriend into a hotel where we shot up about an eight ball a day. I mostly hid out not wanting people around. But it never worked out that way. Everone was after me and wanted something from me. I was getting threats all over from people wanting to rob me. I had to keep moving and it was so scary. I was a mess with bruises all over my body from shooting drugs. I couldn't trust anyone at all.
I will never forget how even with all those people around me how lonely it felt. So I blew through this money in about 2 months and then started calling my husband for money so I could have a place to stay. He knew I was with another guy and he would still help me out. Eventually the boyfriend got busted on some warrents and went to prison for a year. I kept using for several months after that. This whole time I would hardly think about my kids much less talk to them. I forgot to mention that when I was living in my house and using I would read my Bible. I felt like such a hypocrite reading it while high but I figured it was when I needed God the most. I begged God to let me see this drug for what it really is. I wanted to comprehend how nasty meth is and what is was doing to my body.
I prayed for help because I was not in control at all. I was living in the Budget Suites in Dec 2005 and talking to my husband off and on all through this time he was devastated by what I was doing. He would beg me to stop and come back to him and I would just tell him no. Then he got into Counseling and he told me I need to make a decision because he's not going to wait around for ever. My my litle sister got Cancer and I wasn't even there for her when she had surgery. I felt horrible about myself. Also during this week we lost 2 people that were really close friends of ours. It made me realize life is short. I was a victim for a long time because of what had happened in my childhood. I chose to be a victim because it gave me an excuse to use.
Then one day the light bulb just went off and I realized that I dont have to be a victim forever. I can choose to take control of my life. On Jan 8th 2006 I got clean I let go of everyone from my past. My husband and I reconciled and I got my girls back. When I went home I weighed 96 pounds. I never looked back from that day. God did hear my prayers and He changed my heart. I never have the urge to use and as a matter of fact God gave me exactly what I asked for. I despise meth and the thought of it makes me ill. I'm going on 4 years now and every year gets easier. The memories from the past are the hardest thing to deal with. My heart hurts sometimes when I hear a certain song that reminds me or a place. And not because I miss it but because I ever went through it.
So if anyone reads this please take my word for it and dont ever try meth. Just one time it will own your soul and turn you into someone you don't even recognize. And if you are still using just know there is hope. You dont have to be held in those chains of addiction. Something that was a lifesaver to me was My Recovery Book (that's the name of it) I have read it front to back several times and I also keep journals. I never used to be consistent but I am on my 4th journal. I love looking back and seeing how I progressed. Even if you have lost everything and have burned every bridge it's never too late. You can get clean and get back what you lost if I can do it so can you... God Bless Sorry it's so long...
--AlexLabels: CrystalClear, CrystalClear™, drug abuse, Effects of Crystal Meth, Meth, meth addiction treatment, Meth addictions, Meth users
Hi my name is Tammy. I am 38yrs old. My husband Jason is 32yrs old. We both are recovering meth addicts. We had a great marriage until meth. I don't know how we made it thru. We both should be dead. We lost everything. our home, familys and ourselves. The fighting was unbeliveable daily he would drag me around by my hair hit me with whatever he got his hands on, but belive me I dished right back I remember hitting him with baseball bats 2x4's and whateverelse I could get my hands on.
We never argued before meth so this was all new to both of us but the dope controlled us. We always said the other one had the problem not me. We both had a problem. It took Jail to wake me up and the thought of losing me to wake him up.
I found God and he followed. Everyone has there own recovery but me my self could not have done with out he LOVE of GOD. He is my strength. Who ever needs help on both sides an addict of loved one of an addict put your faith and love in God and he will do the rest. It's still an everyday battle but we have been clean since 7/31/08. I've been on both sides as a mother and a wife and now a recovering addict.
Meth is the devil. I never understood how people could walk away from everything until I tried and instantly became an addict. My mom and mother-in-law Prayed for us daily. Don't give up on yourself or your loved one. Good Luck and God Bless!!
Labels: crystal meth, CrystalClear, CrystalClear™, Meth, Meth addictions, Meth users, methamphetamine, speed
Methamphetamine or Meth is a strong stimulant which can dramatically affect the central nervous system of our brain. It is commonly known as chalk, in its smoke form is also referred as crystal or glass. It is white, odorless crystalline powder which tastes bitter and dissolves easily in water.
It causes loss of appetite, increases activity and the user feels a general sense of well being.
Its effect can lasts for up to 6 to 8 hours. This dangerous drug can be easily made with inexpensive ingredients which are easily available in any departmental store. It is for this reason that
meth abuse is becoming widespread.
Meth is considered as a schedule II and Psycho-stimulant like other high potential drugs like cocaine and amphetamine. This drug can cause severe cardiovascular problems like increase heartbeat and blood pressure, stroke producing and irreversible damage to blood vessels.
Overdoses causes Hyperthermia and convulsions and if not treated immediate may result in death of the patient. Prolonged use of meth may also lead to hepatitis B and C and even HIV. As most of the times abusers share injection equipment with other people.
As Meth rehab procedure cognitive behavioral interventions are found to be most effective treatment. With this approach counseling aims to help the individual in changing his thinking and behavior so that he can gain mental strength for self control and learns to cope up with various life stresses. Recovery support groups play a vital role in behavioral interventions that can lead to effective long term drug free recovery from meth abuse.
Overdoes emergency patients are cooled off with ice baths and anticonvulsant drugs. Though common antidepressant medications are used as supplements in this treatment but till date there is no exclusive pharmacological treatment is available for this kind of addiction. Meth intoxication should be handled in close observation in a safe and quiet environment.
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Labels: Meth, meth addiction treatment, Meth addictions, methamphetamine