Natural Addiction Treatment Products

Natural addiction treatment products to get rid of obesity, excess weight, overweight, diabetes, acne, skin diseases,meth, alcohol and other addictions.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Crystal Meth or Methamphetamine

Methamphetamine, or crystal meth, is a dangerous, highly addictive drug. It's cheap, widely available and making inroads among young people. Sooner or later, your kids could be asked to try it.

When that happens, you want them to be able to say a firm "no" to this dangerous drug. Your opinion is going to make a big difference for them. Knowing where you stand can give them the confidence - and the facts - they need to make the right choice.

As one parent put it - "Where would I rather my daughter got her information about crystal meth? From someone trying to sell it to her or from me?"

Studies consistently show that kids whose parents talk to them about the dangers of drugs are significantly less likely to use illicit drugs than kids whose parents do not.

You don't need to be an expert to start a conversation

You can make the conversation as casual as you want. You don't need to have all the facts; looking up the answer to your kids' questions together can be a helpful part of the process.

The important thing is to be honest about how you feel and to communicate a message clearly:

Crystal meth is a dangerous, addictive drug that can do permanent damage. I don't want you using it because I love you and I care what happens to you.

This can be the first of many ongoing conversations you have with your kids about crystal meth and other drugs over the coming months and years.

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Methamphetamine, or crystal meth, is a dangerous, highly addictive drug

Methamphetamine, or crystal meth, is a dangerous, highly addictive drug. It's cheap, widely available and making inroads among young people. Sooner or later, your kids could be asked to try it.
When that happens, you want them to be able to say a firm "no" to this dangerous drug. Your opinion is going to make a big difference for them. Knowing where you stand can give them the confidence - and the facts - they need to make the right choice.

As one parent put it - "Where would I rather my daughter got her information about crystal meth? From someone trying to sell it to her or from me?"

Studies consistently show that kids whose parents talk to them about the dangers of drugs are significantly less likely to use illicit drugs than kids whose parents do not.

You don't need to be an expert to start a conversation

You can make the conversation as casual as you want. You don't need to have all the facts; looking up the answer to your kids' questions together can be a helpful part of the process.

The important thing is to be honest about how you feel and to communicate a message clearly:

Crystal meth is a dangerous, addictive drug that can do permanent damage. I don't want you using it because I love you and I care what happens to you.

This can be the first of many ongoing conversations you have with your kids about crystal meth and other drugs over the coming months and years.

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Meth users

My brother is a Meth addict. This has been going on for a year-and-a-half now and I feel so alone, angry, resentful, sad etc. I have seen what Meth has done personally to, my once awesome brother! Meth has taken my brothers soul and my brother told me last year the brother I knew is gone and this is the life that was meant for him. I am so mad that this drug was invented!

This drug is the devil's dream drug that takes souls and leaves us with a mess to try to live with. If Meth users think they are only hurting themselves and they don't bother anyone else, they are wrong. They're out getting high and numbing their pain while their sister, brother, mother, father and the whole family sits, day in and day out, trying to find help for them. Just to live and breathe because they love that person so much. I have to get up with my broken heart every morning and wonder if today is the day my family and I will be preparing for my brother's funeral. I hate Meth so much because it is not only destroying my brother but it has destroyed our once close family! We pray too, but there are days that you just feel like giving up!

My brother used to be so into his family and he was an achiever. My brother bought his first house when he was 21. He owned a very nice home, car, truck, boat, and many other things. He was a very preppy, well-kept, clean young man. He was so tight with his money and I realized it was because he had goals and dreams. He married a beautiful girl and had a beautiful baby boy. What more could anyone want? The family started noticing changes and patterns. For example, he would not go into work on Mondays and his wife said he never seemed to sleep all weekend. He would be redoing his kitchen, painting, yard work, anything he could do to stay busy, and never wanted to eat. He couldn't sleep and everyone knows that isn't normal. I don't know how my brother got involved with Meth and I am sure I will never know.

My brother is only 30 years old. He admitted he was doing Meth last summer, just so he could finish his projects around the house and prepare the nursery for the baby. He said he could stop any time he wanted. Well, our family wouldn't hear of it and got him into detox and eventually rehab. Thank goodness my brother had an excellent job and great insurance. We pressured my brother to go which we now know was a mistake. An addicted person has to want to go on their own free will and lose everything they have ever worked so hard for before they actually realize they are spinning out of control. My brother got out of rehab and he went full force into Meth. It was as if he was trying to punish us. It still doesn't make sense to me.

My brother is associating with the most disgusting, filthy people I never knew existed until now. But Meth doesn't care who you hang out with. I have seen what types of people Meth users are, and it scares me. I feel as if I walked into hell. I am not a judgmental person, but anyone that has seen what I have, would be frightened. His house is in foreclosure, his beautiful wife and baby left, he lost his job, all because of a stupid drug. Meth has taken the place of me and my family in his life. I am so angry, but I won't give up on praying for him.

The Meth user is numbing and masking their pain and the only time they feel anything is when they come down and search for more Meth. We feel the pain all the time. My brother isn't actually dead, but he is gone. I will never see my brother the way he used to be. Meth doesn't care who you are, how much money you have, or anything else. You try it once and Meth will take control of your life.

See Pictures of meth users and abusers before and during meth.

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posted by Positively Healthy @ 5:28 PM 0 Comments

addicted to Meth

There was a time when I knew my little girl. I knew she liked unicorns and fairies, cookies and milk, and birthdays with cake. But I don't know her at all. 

She got hooked on Meth. I always thought it wouldn't happen to my daughter. That she was smart and nothing bad would happen to her. It turns out that I didn't know anything at all.

We thought our daughter was on her way to great things. While we had a rough time with her when she was 15-16yrs old, things had smoothed out and she had close to a 4.0 GPA in High School. She had a semester of college completed before graduating high school and had a scholarship.

Our daughter recently turned 20. She moved out to live with her boyfriend about a year and half ago. About 9 months ago her boyfriend got fired from his job. Soon after that he lost a lot of weight and we thought he was just bummed out about his job. About a month later, our daughter lost a bunch of weight (she's tiny anyway). Both of them began getting acne on their face. She quit school saying no classes were being offered that she needed to complete her degree.

We noticed subtle changes in her, like being on the internet/ebay a lot, talking about them buying a house together that cost over $100,000 when neither of them had a job, jumping from topic-to-topic and speaking fast. Then she began coming in late for work. Within a month and a half, she was late over 20 times; not just a few minutes late, but sometimes hours late. She was working for me at the time and on at least three occasions her mother had to go to her apartment to wake her up. The morning I went she was soaked in sweat. I couldn't get her to go to the doctor. I ended up firing her about 5 months neither she nor her boyfriend has a job. She claimed they were fixing things for people or buying broken items and fixing them to sell for a profit.

About 3-4 months ago, her hair started falling out. She claimed she burned her head and pulled it out herself. We knew we had to do something but were unsure how to proceed. With encouragement and support from friends, we intervened and took her to inpatient psychiatric treatment. To do this we had to fill out affidavits so she could be committed. Fortunately she signed herself in voluntarily. At first she denied using Meth, then she admitted to having used it in the past. When confronted that it was still in her system she said she could control her use and could quit anytime. She tested positive for Meth and had lost about 25 pounds. She had the "Meth look" (sunken in eyes, weight loss, hair loss, gaunt/tired).

She is now in residential drug rehab. She tells us she loves us and knows we did this because we love her and care, but she is currently refusing to let us visit her. Much to our disappointment, she is allowing her boyfriend to visit. She admitted to us that they are/were both using. We had to get an exparte' against him and our junior-high aged son is terrified; checking locks and always looking over his shoulder. Our hope is that with continued therapy she will gain some insight and make better decisions, but I know it's a long road to recovery. I started going to a support group. We are seeking guardianship over her until she gets through all of the treatment. We know that the chance of relapse is high, we aren't fooling ourselves, but we feel we need to do everything in our power to help her. Beyond that it's up to her.

It breaks my heart to see the young lady that I love so much, that was a happy, healthy little girl, grow up to abuse and become addicted to Meth. I despise Meth.

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posted by Positively Healthy @ 5:16 PM 0 Comments

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Methamphetamine drug dependence herbal detox

Myths and Facts about Methamphetamine Abuse and Treatment   by

Methamphetamine is similar to that of amphetamine drugs, most commonly known as 'chalk' and 'meth'. These drugs rapidly mix up with bloodstream by smoking, injecting, snorted, absorbed through patch when abused. Powerful effects on central nervous system are observed with this drug abuse and sometimes the abuser can even die in minutes.

Myths and Facts

As methamphetamine is popular among teens, its dangerous effects to health are discussed at every medical and health conferences. There are many myths prevailing about this drug and the right information about this drug abuse is not known to many of us. The following are few myths and facts about this drug.

Myth: No treatment is available for methamphetamine dependence.

Fact: Methamphetamine drug dependence can be treated using different ways of treatment and can also be done at home. The abuser of methamphetamine faces specific problems, so they need a systemized treatment program to overcome the dependence and health complications.

Myth: Average life for drug abuser is 5 years.

Fact: With the overdose of the drug, many organs can be damaged and result in multiple organ failure. Earlier there is no such data available for determining the average life of abuser is between the commencement of methamphetamine abuse and death of abuser due to this drug. Recently, many research studies were conducted and the officials came to conclusion about the average life of drug abuser as 7 years.

Myth: Methamphetamine abuse results in holes to brain.

Fact: The abuse of this drug leads to changes in the functioning of brain but doesn't really make any holes in the brain. In the scanning report of brain of any abuser shows as though there are holes in the brain. The holes shown for depict areas of low activity or no activities in MRI scan are misunderstood as holes in the brain.

Myth: No need to treat the drug abuser specially.

Fact: The abuser should be treated with special care at the time of treatment and till he gets fully cured from the abuse. Stopping the drug abuse can lead to many effects like depression for at least one month. Some one should be there to support them and to help them to overcome the withdrawal symptoms.

The above information helps you in knowing the actual facts about methamphetamine drug abuse. This can help you in taking the preventive measures for controlling the drug abuse and educating the children about the dangerous effects of drug abuse. Knowing the actual facts is important in preventing and overcoming from the drug abuse.

About the Author is an online store offering Drug Test and drug screening products in several formats including blood, Urine and Oral Drug Testing Kits. These drug-testing kits can be used discreetly for at home drug test or for random employee drug test. Some of the popular products are Saliva Drug Test, Breathalyzer and Marijuana Drug Test Products.

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posted by Positively Healthy @ 7:43 PM 0 Comments

Cocaine and Meth addictions Rehab

Are there Rehab Centers in Utah for Cocaine and Meth addictions?    by Janet Wilkerson

Cocaine and Meth are two of the most powerful and dangerous drugs you can purposely introduce to your body. They are both also very addictive and many times the addiction starts from the very first time you use them. Equal opportunity drugs that can kill you from the first time; both equally ravishing on the body, cocaine and meth are two drugs that are hard to break an addiction from. 

Cocaine and meth both are stimulants giving the user a sense of euphoria and invincibility. Both drugs give the user incredible amounts of energy. The high itself is what people crave and become addicted to. Other similarities with the cocaine and meth are that they can be snorted, smoked, or injected. They both also destroy your brain, your liver, and your body. 

The difference in them is simply cost, availability, and longevity. It costs quite a bit more money to be a cocaine addict. Cocaine is made from the coca plant and its manufacturing is more elaborate. It is harder to find cocaine in rural areas because of the production process. The demographic for cocaine users is usually in large cities. Also, because cocaine has a half life is about an hour, to maintain the high, the user needs to constantly do more. Thus causing cocaine's cost to be higher and sometimes sends the user into financial ruin.

That is where meth, cocaine's doppelganger, becomes more attractive to the user. Longer lasting highs, lower cost to purchase, and because it is made out of household chemicals, it is easier to manufacture and distribute. The half life of meth can last anywhere from 8 hours to 24 hours, making it cheaper to do, because the user doesn't need as much to get high. All the while allowing the user to stay higher longer and do more for longer periods of time, until you can no longer function without it. 

All of this is good for the dealer, but not for the addict. Are you finding yourself constantly needing cocaine or meth to get through your day? Do you crave the feelings of power and energy that they give you? Don't you hate the coming down from the drugs? Doesn't the unnecessary anger and feelings of unease you get make you question why you have done it? A day or two later is your body telling you that it didn't like what you put it in, but your brain is telling you to do more, that you will feel better if you get more in your body, so you do. You want to tell your brain NO! But it isn't listening to you because you have a strong addiction. 

If you are ready to start a drug free life, and if you are ready to do it without drugs to get you there, you can. Drug rehab centers in Utah have programs and treatments specifically designed to help you tell your brain and your body that you do not need to drugs anymore, and to teach you the skills to move on without the aid of drugs.

About the Author

My name is Janet Wilkerson. I want the world to know that there is help out there. There are Cocaine rehab centers in Utah available for the addicted person and for the person living with an addict.  It is my goal to inform as many people as I can, that addiction is treatable, and with the right programs found through Drug treatment centers in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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posted by Positively Healthy @ 7:12 PM 0 Comments

crystal meth addicting illegal drugs

buylegalhighsreviews   by Ryan Gordon

I have been in the street drugs game for about 10 years now. I've done the really hard-core stuff from crystal meth, several breeds of marijuana, heroin, isobutyl nitrite, hash et cetera almost everything high-producing, I've usedit!

But true-to--life duties and obligations in addition to health issues started popping up and as much as I derived pleasure from them? I had to reduce down and finally vanish them out of my life! It's easier than you imagine- but only if you are aware of the not-illegal, non-destructive counterpart of these addicting illegal drugs

So okay... I'm no longer an illicit drugs user and that's an attainment I derive pleasure to brag about. It wasn't continuously painless, but I had to tidy my act! My family is depending on me to take care of them! I had to be there ALIVE and sober to do what I must do to go on, principally now that were in an economic slump, trying to survive in this horrible an economic collapse , I need to heave on all my resources!

But, the unattractive reality is...

I never stopped craving it! Truth be said from time to time, I still feel the desiring to get back to my former addiction. And let me tell you, it doesn't get any easier illegal drugs are all surrounding you!

I don't consciously go looking to acquire illegal recreational drugs any more, and I try to walk away every opportunity I get...

but I'm only human!
There are periods the temptations get irresistible! I just feel the need to succumb to the desires of desiring to get high.

And that is why I'm writing you this article, 4:30 at dusk.

You see, the truth is old habits die hard! It becomes more so when Friends around you likes to party, and I'm being assaulted with so many different sets of temptations that just DOESN'T stop! It just gets sooo unbearable at times!

You see, its human nature that the more you try to suppress a passion, the more the craving intensify , pressure gets bottled up so strongly, you just find yourself OVERWHELMED WITH DESIRE to get this, and at some point, no matter how hard you try to resist? You have no choice but to give in. Unless...

Instead of FORCING to suppress a want, that's been intensifying all these time? You find a better, healthy,decent alternative to the dire stuff! Something that you can without problems give in to, all without having feelings of guilt-without feeling defeated.

So when this previously unknown term "legal buds, legal weeds, herbal highs, legal highs" kept on coming up in conversations with my friends, who were well experienced in so many types of illegal drugs and had an almost boundless supply of Triple A- stuff, and still chose to use these legal alternatives, I began paying attention!

In my mind, if its good enough for my friends, then it's good enough for me!

Some of my friends just use it to mix-it with the item they were using. Some of them take legal highs bare.

They can appreciate how far-reachingly intense these legal weeds are and some of them ,we're to be honest, scared to share the secret to just anyone. They want to keep this all to themselves, greedy #$#@! They're scared the government could start cracking down on these, if it gets to prominent.

Initially it didn't make sense and seemed too good to be true! How can the government just let powerful, potent stuff like this to exists? Maybe there must be something wrong with it?

Now that I've personally tasted the effects? It just blew me away and was forced to agree with their assessment 100%!

It's a surprise these have been around for several decades. But because they were insider secrets, only known to the insiders from these native tribes, who have awareness of and have been basking them, have been using these to enter freaky states of mind for their shamanic, magick rituals et cetera... Reason why in spite of their potency? They did not catch on like its prominent yet banned illegal recreational drugs cousin you know about today.

Lets see, you get:

Powerfully Intoxicating yet authorizedand non-addictive intoxications?

Easy to buy, none of the intrinsic hazards in drugdealing (its literally as easy as ordering Pizza).

Does not show up on any drug test, so it does not pose a threat to career, reputation, school et cetera.

The ability for anyone of legal age, to indulge without being stopped nor guilt, free from the negative side-effects of illegal recreational drugs i.e. addictions, jail time etc.

In my honest evaluation, this is the one-true-veritable (dare I say FUN) solution to the world drug addiction pandemic!

CLICK NOW, ONLY If you're ready for Strong & Intense Legal Buds that actually work!--according to thousands of users. You may also see this article entitled Legal Buds Reviewed, Legal Buds Testimonials found here. 
About the Author

Ryan Gordon writes regularly about health related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

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posted by Positively Healthy @ 5:52 PM 0 Comments

Thursday, March 5, 2009


One night I stayed up for ten years,after being aressted and incarserated I got a little over 6 months sleep before I stayed up for another 7 years!

I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones,even after the fact I lost all I loved and all who loved me,three times.Ive had and lost more Bikes, HotRods,Guns,cash and things then ten average honest working men will ever know.

METH it seemed so harmless I could accomplish so many tasks in a single day I had the best lawn on the block,the cleanest car,I coached 2 baseball teams a year for my children for 9 seasons and still hold the record for the most winning coach in the league,I worked 8 hrs. a day and owned a after market American motorcycle shop,looking from the outside in I had it all.The parents from my teams loved me the other coaches respected the Longhaired Biker everything seemed perfect.

No one knew I was always looking in the rearveiw mirror cops were tring to make a buy everyday and back then the drug didnt sell itself you had to compete with cocaine, acid and it just had no value to the average drug user untill they tried it.

I HATE FUCKING METH! All my Freinds and I had alot of freinds before I ever did METH are now either DEAD or in PRISON.Please teach your chidren to NEVER try METH!!!

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posted by Positively Healthy @ 6:43 AM 0 Comments

recovery from speed addiction

I'm a 51 year old guy. From easternn Pa. and i was hooked on meth, over 30 years ago. A friend brother in law came back from vetiem, HE WAS ON HERION , like many of our great soldiers to excapse the horrors over there. Billy was a good friend only 8 years older than I .

By 13 my friends and i were shoting meth. I didn't loose any friends to it back then. It was easy to get the moctor cycle gang at the billard ball were a couples from where we lived, 1 stop north on the train . " METH KILLS GUY AND CHICKS "

Since you first met speed, it has seemed like there could be no end. Yet you found your way to this site! And that means you are ready for it to end.

No more lies.
No more fear.
No more "what if's" and future-tripping.
No more running and hiding and compromising everything for speed.
No more guilt and shame.

What we offer you here is what we believe to be the very best way to naturally strengthen your mind and body to help you in your personal program to be completely drug-free.

We believe that the 4-part CrystalClear™ system is a critical aid in recovery from speed addiction.

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posted by Positively Healthy @ 5:46 AM 0 Comments