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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Crystal Meth is a stimulant like Cocaine

Crystal Meth Users - They Can Be Anyone - Even Those You Know and Love
Meth or Methamphetamine is an extremely addictive illegal drug. Also known as crank, speed, and crystal meth, the drug effects the central nervous system. It is a man made substance that is often produced in home and clandestine laboratories. It can be made into powder or pills, which can be swallowed, snorted, smoked or injected.
Meth is extremely dangerous, not only to the user, but also to the people around them. In the past, users would get meth that was brought in from other countries. Recently however, people are starting their own labs here in the United States. These people are finding "recipes" that include extremely combustible ingredients such as common household products, like paint thinner and starter fluid. These ingredients are blended then "cooked" over heat to produce the drug. Often times, these labs with accidently explode, which can lead to huge explosions that could potential damage to buildings and people around the lab, not just in it. Also, many crystal makers will purposely set their labs on fire if they are in danger of being caught by law enforcement officials.
Meth users can be anyone. Unlike some drugs, it does not just stay within certain communities or areas. It is abused by adults and teens, young and old. It also crosses all socio-economic backgrounds. It is used all across the United States, although it is more prevalent in the Midwestern states such as Iowa.
Meth users can become easily addicted to the drug because of how it affects the brain. This addiction can be very hard to break. The reason why it is so addictive is because when a user achieves a high that makes them very happy and in some cases very productive. However, when the user comes off of the high, they become very low and depressed. This is because the drop affects the brain by block dopamine and causing a chemical imbalance. So in order to stay happy and have that positive effect, they feel as if they need to keep on taking the drug. Crystal Meth is a stimulant like Cocaine which is also very addictive. Meth users often mix the drug with another addictive drug, alcohol. This can produce even more dangerous side effects. The drug users will eventually do anything they can to get their hands on the drug, which is why many of them will start to "cook" it themselves. This can also be dangerous because of the risk of explosion that could injure or even kill the maker and people around them.
Besides becoming addicted, meth users are more likely to commit crimes while high, or not, mainly because of their addiction. Users have resorted to robbery in order to be able to pay for the drugs. Meth user's brains are not functioning properly while they are on the drug so they may become violent or extremely aggressive.
Users of this drug suffer from addiction which is a disease. There is treatment and even cures from Meth addiction, however it is a process that can be difficult and users will need the support of their families and friends while they try to break away from this devastating drug.

About the author:
Do You Suffer From an Addiction? Would you like to know how to break free? Find out now! Visit my site at: - your resource for detailed information on products and treatments for breaking the meth addiction cycle. The author, Kurt LeRoy, has had a lifetime interest in natural, herbal and alternative health products and techniques to eliminate necessity of prescription and otc drugs.
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