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Monday, March 9, 2009

Meth users

My brother is a Meth addict. This has been going on for a year-and-a-half now and I feel so alone, angry, resentful, sad etc. I have seen what Meth has done personally to, my once awesome brother! Meth has taken my brothers soul and my brother told me last year the brother I knew is gone and this is the life that was meant for him. I am so mad that this drug was invented!

This drug is the devil's dream drug that takes souls and leaves us with a mess to try to live with. If Meth users think they are only hurting themselves and they don't bother anyone else, they are wrong. They're out getting high and numbing their pain while their sister, brother, mother, father and the whole family sits, day in and day out, trying to find help for them. Just to live and breathe because they love that person so much. I have to get up with my broken heart every morning and wonder if today is the day my family and I will be preparing for my brother's funeral. I hate Meth so much because it is not only destroying my brother but it has destroyed our once close family! We pray too, but there are days that you just feel like giving up!

My brother used to be so into his family and he was an achiever. My brother bought his first house when he was 21. He owned a very nice home, car, truck, boat, and many other things. He was a very preppy, well-kept, clean young man. He was so tight with his money and I realized it was because he had goals and dreams. He married a beautiful girl and had a beautiful baby boy. What more could anyone want? The family started noticing changes and patterns. For example, he would not go into work on Mondays and his wife said he never seemed to sleep all weekend. He would be redoing his kitchen, painting, yard work, anything he could do to stay busy, and never wanted to eat. He couldn't sleep and everyone knows that isn't normal. I don't know how my brother got involved with Meth and I am sure I will never know.

My brother is only 30 years old. He admitted he was doing Meth last summer, just so he could finish his projects around the house and prepare the nursery for the baby. He said he could stop any time he wanted. Well, our family wouldn't hear of it and got him into detox and eventually rehab. Thank goodness my brother had an excellent job and great insurance. We pressured my brother to go which we now know was a mistake. An addicted person has to want to go on their own free will and lose everything they have ever worked so hard for before they actually realize they are spinning out of control. My brother got out of rehab and he went full force into Meth. It was as if he was trying to punish us. It still doesn't make sense to me.

My brother is associating with the most disgusting, filthy people I never knew existed until now. But Meth doesn't care who you hang out with. I have seen what types of people Meth users are, and it scares me. I feel as if I walked into hell. I am not a judgmental person, but anyone that has seen what I have, would be frightened. His house is in foreclosure, his beautiful wife and baby left, he lost his job, all because of a stupid drug. Meth has taken the place of me and my family in his life. I am so angry, but I won't give up on praying for him.

The Meth user is numbing and masking their pain and the only time they feel anything is when they come down and search for more Meth. We feel the pain all the time. My brother isn't actually dead, but he is gone. I will never see my brother the way he used to be. Meth doesn't care who you are, how much money you have, or anything else. You try it once and Meth will take control of your life.

See Pictures of meth users and abusers before and during meth.

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