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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Crystal meth

The Nightmare Called Crystal Meth
By Lauri Starr-Jones

Over the years, the abuse of Crystal meth has increased radically among teenagers belonging to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities in America. There is a growing concern about meth addiction, as it is one of the major contributors to the spread of HIV infection. Its easy availability and relatively low cost explains why this drug is so popular everywhere. This drug can be abused in a number of ways and the effect varies depending on the way it is abused. For instance, the effect may last for about six to eight hours if injected or taken orally while it may be as long as ten to twelve hours if smoked. It can also be snorted, however the euphoria produced is not so intense. Results are almost instant when smoked or injected and the intense rush or 'flash' caused is supposed to be immensely enjoyable.

Basically a methamphetamine, Crystal meth is one of the street names, others being "speed", "chalk", or "meth". This drug is also called "glass", "crystal", "crank" or "ice" in its smoked form and belongs to the amphetamines family of drugs. As per the Ontario Student Drug Use Survey (OSDUS), only 2% of the young population uses Crystal meth. However, its use is increasing among those frequenting clubs and the homeless youth. Poly-drug use (combination of two or more drugs) including Crystal meth is on the rise among street youth who abuse this drug for recreational purposes.

Crystal meth can affect the brain by speeding up the central nervous system and also cause increased wakefulness, and reduced or loss of appetite in those who abuse it. Like other amphetamines, Crystal meth too gives a feeling of well being to users compelling them to use it frequently making them addicts in no time. Often used in a "binge and crash pattern", Crystal meth can wreck the user's health in no time. People abusing this drug take a long time to recover and suffer from withdrawal symptoms if the use of drug is stopped or reduced suddenly. Some of the most common withdrawal symptoms include depression, suicidal thoughts, and fatigue.

When people abuse Crystal meth, large amounts of dopamine (chemical that boosts self-confidence, improves mood, and enhances sex drive) are released in the brain leading to high dependency on the drug. Insomnia, dental deterioration, and high heart rate are some of the other effects Crystal meth has on drug users. Drug users soon have to switch on to greater amounts of Crystal meth to enjoy the same effects it had in the initial stages of their addiction.

One of the worst things that can happen to users is that they are likely to indulge in unprotected sex when under the influence that puts them at a higher risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Thus, there are strong chances of HIV positive users getting reinfected with a drug-resistant strain of HIV, thereby endangering their physical and emotional health. Besides, Crystal meth can be life threatening to users already on HIV medication.

Crystal meth addiction can be successfully treated in a rehab center or any addiction treatment center where drug users undergo a detox program.

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